Please note that the deadline for receipt of submissions to the Commission was 31 January 2018. The following information was provided to website users during the the public consultation window (01/Aug/17 - 31/Jan/18).



Please note that the deadline for receipt of submissions by the Commission was 31 January 2018.

We encourage you to become involved in our work by contacting us with your suggestions and comments on policing reform in Ireland.

We are inviting submissions on all topics relevant to our Terms of Reference.

In order to assist us in carrying out our work within the timeframe set down in our Terms of Reference we are asking for your suggestions and comments as soon as possible and no later than the 31 January 2018.

If you have any queries relating to a submission you have made, or wish to withdraw or redact any aspect of your submission please contact the Commission. Please see the Contact Page of our website for details. 

All submissions falling within our Terms of Reference will be considered by the Commission members and will be used solely for the purposes of the Commission carrying out its work.

We cannot accept submissions which are not relevant to our Terms of Reference and we would therefore encourage you to read these when considering making a submission.


How we will handle submissions

All submissions received will be published on our website at the conclusion of our work. Submissions will be displayed with a full name (first name, surname)/name of organisation, if appropriate.

Anonymous submissions will not be published on our website.

In the case of personal stories and/or sensitive submissions, all personal data and related identifiable details will be removed or redacted if requested.

In the case of any submissions or comments to be provided in confidence as part of your submission to the Commission you may wish to consider including such material by way of appendix clearly marked as confidential.

The Commission reserves the right not to accept a submission if it is deemed offensive or inappropriate.

Submissions made to the Commission may be moderated before publication. Moderation will not be used to suppress legitimate, reasoned debate about issues raised.

Our Policy will be reviewed regularly in light of any legislative or other relevant developments.


Online Submissions

The Commission welcomes submissions from Organisations and individuals which fall within our Terms of Reference.

We recommend that you familiarise yourself with our Terms of Reference ahead of making a Submission. The Commission reserves the right not to accept Submissions which are irrelevant, offensive or inappropriate. The Commission will publish received Submissions at the conclusion of its work. Please indicate on your Submission if there is any personal information which you do not wish to be published. For more information on how the Commission will process information we receive please view our Privacy Statement. The Commission reserves the right not to accept a submission if it is deemed offensive or inappropriate.


Data Protection

The Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland was established by the Department of Justice and Equality in May 2017.